Doc takes Nina back to the 1970’s with the DC comic book, Beowulf Dragon Slayer. It’s a limited series run about the titular Medieval hero who fights Grendel and his mother, but that’s where the similarities end. *Stefon voice*: It. Has. Everything! Greek mythology! Alien space craft! Dracula! Satan! All in six issues! This is a weird one, folks. But trust us — it’s interesting!
A summary of the series is on Doc’s old blog, “Unlocked Wordhoard”: (https://unlocked-wordhoard.blogspot.com/2007/08/beowulf-dragon-slayer-no-6.html)
Michael Ulsan’s IMDB page: (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0882388/)
DC’s Harley Quinn (https://www.dcuniverse.com/videos/harley-quinn/193/season-1)
Edward Risden’s “Alfgar’s Stories from Beowulf” (https://books2read.com/risden-alfgar)
Witan Publishing.com – updated site! (http://witanpublishing.com/)
Have a recommendation for us? Send Doc and Nina an email at podcast at profawesome dot com!